Selected Work from Chris’s time working with I-DAT and as a freelancer…
My major research project focused on creating engaging micro-interactions (including apps, kiosks, card readers and smile sensors) to collect arts and cultural audiences feedback, demographics and sentiment. This then feeds into an analytics backend and content management system with rich, realtime, interactive data visualisations and advanced analysis and export tools.
This Is Where We Are
Chris led the technology development of This Is Where We Are (TIWWA), a 3.6m tall sculptural installation for the Tate Modern Extension Opening Weekend you could touch, feel, listen and talk to, and was aware of the presence of the audience and their opinion of it and the gallery.
The technologies being used in TIWWA includes Unity, Node-RED, MQTT, Slack, 3D modeling (and printing), Kinect, Raspberry Pi, Pure Data, Processing, Conversational AI, social media tone analysis and many more. It also uses cloud based services and APIs from Microsoft, Amazon, IBM and Heroku.